Hello, I'm Daniela P.

Hello, I'm Daniela from near Marburg. I live with my partner Marco in a village surrounded by forest, fields and meadows and we love that we have nature right in front of our noses, so to speak. My passion is traveling and photography. Two good prerequisites for becoming an explorer at VanSite. The third passion arose from my daughter's actual dream of building a Bulli and traveling through Europe with it. For weeks she had been showing me videos and profiles until I had to admit that this is exactly what I had always wanted to do. Traveling Europe and being independent and free and of course capturing the beauty of nature in pictures. In July 2020 we spontaneously bought a Citroën Jumper and just got started. We turned the tin can into a small, Scandinavian-style home on wheels. The expansion took a total of 1 year. In the meantime, of course, we have been on the road with it, sometimes very spartanly, also to test whether this type of travel is for us at all. What can I say, we both love it and would love to pack everything up and travel through Europe for several months. Unfortunately, this is not yet possible for family and professional reasons. Therefore we would like to use the weekends and get to know Germany and possibly also the neighboring countries better. We prefer to be free and somewhere in nature, which is why we find VanSite's offers so interesting. Of course, we too have already noticed that we are being seen less and less as freelancers and that everything possible is being done to prevent it. We both think the idea of finding hosts who offer their unused areas (provided they are not ecologically protected areas) is perfect. We are happy to pay a small fee for this. In this sense. Maybe see you 🤗

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