Wald Grundstück für Naturfreunde from €39.00 per night
Booking on request
Book Wald Grundstück für Naturfreunde
Hosted by Stefan K
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About the site
The location is fantastic, so I would like to share this beautiful spot with you! :) The property is very idyllically located on a small mountain. At the foot there are several lakes, including two for swimming. The Main flows directly along the valley. The kilometer-long view reveals the picturesque surroundings. There is a wide range of leisure activities in the region. For example, you can go hiking, climbing, mountain biking, archery, fishing, horseback riding, playing tennis, swimming and much more. You are in a Lower Franconian wine region with numerous wine bars and corresponding restaurants. There are also many castles and castle ruins to explore in the Miltenberg district. Your pitch is right on the edge of the forest, far away from civilization. Part of the property consists of forest and is used privately as an archery range. The view of the valley is fantastic and invites you to let your mind wander. There are many opportunities to hang hammocks and some comfortable seating to unwind, relax and enjoy nature. The access requires a little driving skill. However, with vehicles the size of a van, the access is no problem. Here, four-wheel drive is “nice to have” but not a must. I have no experience with larger vehicles such as Sprinters and can only say, to be fair, that the heavier and longer the vehicle, the less likely it is that it will make it to the top. With four-wheel drive, however, it should not be a problem to manage the access even with large Sprinters. The access road is partly well graveled and partly washed out by rain and very uneven. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. I look forward to your reservation. Best regards, Stefan
Suitable for
You should know that
1 Spot available here
Four nights Can only be booked one after the other.
Arrival & departure times
Latest arrival time
8:00 pm
Latest departure time
12:00 am
Response time to booking inquiries
Within 24 hours
Site rules
The property is located directly on the edge of the forest. It is forbidden to walk cross-country into the forest. Out of respect for hunters and forest dwellers, please use the paved forest and meadow paths for hiking. There is a fireplace and fire barrel, but making fires is generally prohibited in the dry summer months as there is an acute risk of forest fires due to flying sparks. As there is no toilet, you must bring your own, e.g. a PorterPotti, dry-separating toilet or similar. Please do not leave any waste in the forest! In principle, I would like appropriate and respectful behavior. Parties are not welcome!
Reviews (3)
September 2022
Sehr freundlicher, aufmerksamer Gastgeber. Top Kommunikation und Mega Anfahrtsbeschreibung. Wer Ruhe sucht, wird hier absolut begeistert sein, ein Traum mitten in der Natur
August 2022
Ein wirklich toller Platz für alle, die gerne die Ruhe mitten in der Natur genießen möchten. Der Platz liegt mit toller Aussicht über das Maintal und die Umgebung lädt zu Wanderungen oder einfach zum Entspannen ein. Ein Badesee (Angelweiher) liegt in Laufnähe und steht zur Abkühlung bereit. Wir kommen gerne wieder!
July 2022
Ein wundervoller Stellplatz in der Natur, völlige Alleinlage und traumhafte Aussicht. Liebevoll gestaltetes Areal. Ganz großes Lob und klare Empfehlung! Wenn man autark ist und keinen Strom oder andere Extras benötigt, ein perfekter Ort mit schönen Ausflugszielen in der Nähe. Der Kontakt zum Vermieter war sehr freundlich und Fragen wurden zeitnah beantwortet. Wir kommen sehr gerne wieder.
Star Distribution
Your host
Hello, I'm Stefan K.
Hallo, ich heise Stefan bin 38 Jahre jung, leidenschaftlicher Kletterer, instinktiv Bogenschütze, absoluter Naturfreund und stolzer Besitzer dieses wundervollen Areals…
Hallo, ich heise Stefan bin 38 Jahre jung, leidenschaftlicher Kletterer, instinktiv Bogenschütze, absoluter Naturfreund und stolzer Besitzer dieses wundervollen Areals…
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Additional offers are not affected by the cancellation policy and are 100% refunded. Additional offers cannot be canceled individually.